Editing Your Blogspot Template - Pratico

06:44 Unknown 0 Comments

I posted about a template named "Pratico" which is the current template of this blog and when I read the comments about the template, I can see that some users are asking about how to change the font color of the blog post.

The font color by default, is set to #bbb which is quite light for the white background of the template. And since I featured the template here on my blog, I will also post some tutorials on how to change and tweak the code to suit your needs. However, this will only cover tutorials for the basic features of the template because you need to purchase the template in order to get full support from its developers. As mentioned in their website, Premium Version buyers will get advance and lifetime support guarantee.

The tutorial below contains HTML and CSS. To read more about HTML and CSS, you can visit W3SCHOOLS.

Changing the Font Color of Your Blog Post

1. Open your blog
2. Click on Template and choose Edit HTML

3. When the codes are shown, press CTRL + F and search for #bbb then change it to a darker color. On my blog I used #333 which is a shade almost close to black. The line number on the code is line#1337 (if you haven't inserted any other codes yet)